I lay in
the dark, unappreciative of the quiet, warmed to discomfort by the heater. Padding,
first to the bathroom and then to turn off the heater, I laid down and waited
for 5am –the time I was supposed to wake up. When 5am came and went, I waited
for 5:45, when the balloon tour was supposed to pick me, and the three Argentinians,
up. I sat outside in the brisk predawn air. My Kindle glowed a slight blue
light and my head swiveled every time I saw headlights bounce over the stone
By 6, I
began to wonder who to call and if we'd miss sunrise. By 6:15 I was certain we'd
been forgotten. Ten minutes later and a gruff driver pulled up with a dull and
slightly impatient expression plastered to his face.
The ride to
the launch site was short, a few turns and the balloons -in various stages of life
- emerged. A few were already high over the horizon, their bright colors washed
out in the emerging light. Some were mostly flat, their baskets the only
upright form to them. Mine was almost filled, the balloon expanded and bobbing
above a basket already filled with people.
I waited
until last to climb in, a seeming generosity that was actually self-serving. The
last person in, someone shared with me the previous day, ensures the coveted
corner spot - ripe for pictures.
The cool
air and quiet morning were intermittently shattered by the flash of blue flame
roaring in our ears and singeing the exposed parts of my scalp; a welcome and terrifying
warmth that made me wonder if my hair would have gone up in spiraled flame had
I worn it loose.
all around us began to drift skyward, graceful like children’s bubbles caught
in the wind.

I watched
the horizon, broken by the jagged landscape of fairy chimneys, waiting for the
sun to escape skyward. And it did, balloons dotted in front of it like party favors.
We floated that way for a while, sometimes high in the clear blue sky, sometimes
skirting the valleys below-close enough, it seemed, to touch the grass and
rock, to jump out uninjured. And when the time came to land, we were pulled
down into a field of oats. men who had been following us in a van since we first
floated skyward, pulled on heavy ropes, held us steady, dragged the basket-
making erratic crop designs in the field.
topped off our flight- champagne and it wasn't even 7am.
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